Words n' stuff

Analyzing the Data Engineering Discord Server with DuckDB

In case you didn't know, there's a fantastic Data Engineering community on Discord (invite here). I've been a member of this server since the very start, and I've seen it grow substantially over the years. If you read that last sentence again, you'll notice that it's really vague. When was the start? Was I really there at the start, or did I just join (waves hands) a while ago? How much has the server grown over time? How many members are there? How often does the average user post? What are the most popular channels? I could go on.

When I was thinking about all of this one day I realized I was uniquely placed to answer these questions for a few reasons:

  1. I'm a data engineer by trade who spends all day working with databases and moving data around, and who also writes and reads a lot of code for fun.
  2. I've been tinkering with Discord bots for several years, having written several bots for an online game that I used to play, as well as a fun meme-generating bot. Additionally, I recently wrote the Plumber bot for the Data Engineering Discord server to manage static content such as rules, FAQs, and recommended resources.
  3. I'm an admin on the server and so have the requisite access to do a project like this.

So with that, I set out to find a way to learn more about this community, and play around some new(ish) tech along the way.

Getting the Data

The full source for the bot is at available on my Github account, but I'll walk through some of it below.

First I identified what I wanted to collect. I knew I wanted to gather information on the members of the server, but I also wanted information on messages. In order to get messages, I'd need channels. Luckily these three entities are naturally related and form a compact and simple data model. I defined the three tables as follows:

    id INT64 PRIMARY KEY, 
    name VARCHAR, 
    joined_at TIMESTAMP,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

    category VARCHAR,
    category_id INT64,
    created_at TIMESTAMP,
    mention VARCHAR,
    name VARCHAR,
    topic VARCHAR

    channel_id INT64,
    user_id INT64,
    content VARCHAR,
    clean_content VARCHAR,
    jump_url VARCHAR,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

Once that was all done, here was the structure of the tables:


Now that I had the tables defined I had to collect the data. I used boilerplate code I had written for the Plumber bot to create the connection to Discord, and used the DuckDB Python API to create and manage my database.


I used DuckDB for a few reasons. First, it's a somewhat new piece of technology that I had read a lot about but hadn't had a good use case for yet. Second, it was supposed to have a similar API to SQLite which I had used in the past and was familiar with. And third, I knew that I'd be issuing analytical queries on my laptop against a potentially large dataset, and DuckDB was designed for exactly that use case. It was a natural fit.

The heart of the program comes down the on_ready() method, which runs once the bot has connected to the server.

async def on_ready(self) -> None:
    # Connected to the Discord server
    server = client.get_guild(self.server_id)
    print(f"Backfill: {self.backfill}")
    # Create a connection to a file called 'server.db'
    con = duckdb.connect("server.db")


    # Get all users
    await self.get_users(con, server)

    # Get all channels, and for each channel get all messages
    await self.get_channels_and_messages(con, server, self.backfill)

    # Close connection to DuckDB and Discord
    await client.close()

At a high level this code connects to the Discord API, finds a given server by its ID, creates or connects to a DuckDB database, creates the required database tables, and then pulls and stores all users, channels, and messages from the provided server. You can run it with the --backfill flag to re-collect all data from the beginning (overwriting any existing content due to INSERT OR REPLACE), and then you can run it again without the --backfill flag to just update the existing data.

Due to the way the Discord API works, users and channels are very quick to retrieve, but getting messages can take a bit longer. I also acknowledge that I'm doing row level inserts here which is a sub-optimal method for loading data into a columnar system. Doing a bulk load via a COPY command would likely be more performant. Still, I'm able to collect and store all of the data from the Data Engineering server in ~20 minutes so no need to over-engineer.


Even with only three tables there are a lot of questions we can answer. Let's list some out, starting with the basics, and then write some queries to solve them:

How many members are there?

select count(*) from users;

How many users have joined each month?

    datetrunc('month', joined_at) as month,
    count(*) as join_count 
from users 
group by 1 
order by 1;
month join_count
2019-04-01 99
2019-05-01 93
2019-06-01 62
2019-07-01 67
2019-08-01 74
2019-09-01 72
2019-10-01 68
2019-11-01 86
2019-12-01 56
2020-01-01 94
2020-02-01 125
2020-03-01 155
2020-04-01 112
2020-05-01 131
2020-06-01 142
2020-07-01 128
2020-08-01 112
2020-09-01 133
2020-10-01 161
2020-11-01 147
2020-12-01 136
2021-01-01 185
2021-02-01 244
2021-03-01 330
2021-04-01 254
2021-05-01 212
2021-06-01 200
2021-07-01 108
2021-08-01 129
2021-09-01 139
2021-10-01 171
2021-11-01 107
2021-12-01 140
2022-01-01 183
2022-02-01 191
2022-03-01 163
2022-04-01 185
2022-05-01 268
2022-06-01 157
2022-07-01 241
2022-08-01 193
2022-09-01 188
2022-10-01 225
2022-11-01 187
2022-12-01 156
2023-01-01 192
2023-02-01 200
2023-03-01 149
2023-04-01 187
2023-05-01 160
2023-06-01 177

Plotted: Users joined by month

Looks like we had a peak around mid-2020 which coincides with a bump in messages around that time (see below), and users joining continues at a relatively steady pace.

How many posts are there in total?

select count(*) from messages;

Which channels get the most activity?

-- Omits channels with no messages as messages is the base table
    c.name as channel_name, 
    count(*) as message_count,
    round(count(*)/(select count(*) from messages)*100,2) as pct_total
from messages m 
left join channels c 
    on m.channel_id = c.id 
group by 1 
order by 2 desc;
channel_name message_count pct_total
general 30124 23.99
help 20958 16.69
career 17658 14.06
noob 13627 10.85
off-topic 8878 7.07
interviewing 7187 5.72
databases 4912 3.91
architecture 3343 2.66
batch 3257 2.59
cloud 2846 2.27
resources 2681 2.13
book-club 1928 1.54
data-science 1624 1.29
server-talk 985 0.78
memes 934 0.74
streaming 924 0.74
faang 754 0.6
job-board 739 0.59
bi-tools 712 0.57
looking-for-work 239 0.19
self-promotion 227 0.18
staff-chat 206 0.16
2020-10-22-show 200 0.16
topic-of-the-week 178 0.14
2022-02-01-advent-of-code-2022 174 0.14
moderation-log 98 0.08
staff-bot-spam 96 0.08
bot-development 41 0.03
github-updates 24 0.02
workshops 10 0.01
dev-chat 9 0.01
roles 3 0.0
curated-resources 2 0.0
pr-messages 2 0.0
honeypot 1 0.0
faq 1 0.0

Maybe we have too many channels 🤔

What time of day is the server the most active?

    datepart('hour', created_at) as hour_of_day,
    count(*) as message_count,
    round(count(*)/(select count(*) from messages)*100,2) as pct_total
from messages
group by 1
order by 1;
hour_of_day message_count pct_total
0 4996 3.98
1 4875 3.88
2 5140 4.09
3 3849 3.06
4 3896 3.1
5 2857 2.28
6 2135 1.7
7 2465 1.96
8 2754 2.19
9 3020 2.4
10 2999 2.39
11 3175 2.53
12 4494 3.58
13 5359 4.27
14 6959 5.54
15 9049 7.21
16 9043 7.2
17 9978 7.95
18 8348 6.65
19 6703 5.34
20 5933 4.72
21 5767 4.59
22 5859 4.67
23 5929 4.72

Here it is plotted: Messages by hour

So it looks like activity tends to peak around 17:00 UTC, which would be towards the end of the workday in Europe and afternoon in the US.

How has activity on the server changed over time?

    datetrunc('month', created_at) as month,
    count(*) as message_count
from messages
group by 1
order by 1;
month message_count
2019-04-01 1145
2019-05-01 1641
2019-06-01 1226
2019-07-01 789
2019-08-01 547
2019-09-01 688
2019-10-01 973
2019-11-01 870
2019-12-01 755
2020-01-01 1290
2020-02-01 1289
2020-03-01 2074
2020-04-01 1947
2020-05-01 2588
2020-06-01 2274
2020-07-01 2605
2020-08-01 2067
2020-09-01 2132
2020-10-01 4029
2020-11-01 4200
2020-12-01 5073
2021-01-01 4517
2021-02-01 4339
2021-03-01 3867
2021-04-01 3458
2021-05-01 2985
2021-06-01 3464
2021-07-01 3152
2021-08-01 3053
2021-09-01 1490
2021-10-01 2735
2021-11-01 2555
2021-12-01 2395
2022-01-01 2239
2022-02-01 1501
2022-03-01 1422
2022-04-01 2588
2022-05-01 5838
2022-06-01 3873
2022-07-01 3682
2022-08-01 2972
2022-09-01 3099
2022-10-01 2349
2022-11-01 2761
2022-12-01 1816
2023-01-01 2406
2023-02-01 2141
2023-03-01 3206
2023-04-01 2347
2023-05-01 1477
2023-06-01 1653

I also plotted this and added a horizontal line representing the average posts per month over all time: Messages per month

I'm not entirely sure what to make of this. It seems that we had a peak around the end of 2020, then again mid-2022, and right now (end of June 2023) we're in a bit of a dip.

How many members joined Discord specifically to join this server?

This is assuming that users who joined the server on the same day they joined Discord signed up specifically to join the Data Engineering server

count(*) as count,
    round(count(*)/(select count(*) from users)*100,3) as pct_same_day
from users 
where datediff('day', created_at, joined_at) = 0;
count pct_same_day
1461 18.555


There's a lot more analysis that could be done, but I think with even the little effort I put into this I was able to learn some interesting things about this server and its activity. It was also great to finally have a chance to get hands on with DuckDB. While the dataset was by no means large (the database file shows only 56MB on my filesystem), DuckDB still handled it like a champ and had all the functionality I was looking for. I can definitely see myself using it for other projects in the future.

Thoughts? Leave a comment

  1. Anonymous — Jul 1, 2023:


  2. Anonymous — Jul 2, 2023:

    Is there anyway I can get my hands on this dataset?

  3. Anonymous — Jul 6, 2023:


  4. Shneor — Aug 30, 2023:

    Cool stuff